In this final update, I reveal to you the completed oil painting and why I named it “Sacred and Profane”.
I hope you have taken some time during this painting’s progress to reflect upon the title’s meaning. My intention was that either object could be considered sacred or profane depending on the viewer’s perspective.
An artistic eye could see the classical sculpture as sacred and the bobblehead dog as profane. However, a moralistic eye could see the naked statue as profane and the cute, unobjectionable dog as sacred.
The painting’s only other object, the dog leash, I envisioned to symbolize either a stream of thought or a serpent winding its way through the composition.
Thank you for following the progress of this painting. I hope you will share the experience with others and return to follow my next painting in progress.
What do you think?
I would love to hear your own interpretations of this painting and, as always, appreciate any constructive criticisms.